Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Tuesday PM

Today has been more of the same. The nurses are working to ween Sam off of the meds that are keeping him down. The less medication, the more able he will be to breathe on his own. Right now he is regulating the rate of breathing, but the ventilator is providing extra air on each breath so that he gets enough. But as they reduce the meds, the more the vent tube bugs him and he tries to pull it out.

As I type this, Cameron and Jenn, Sam's terrific night nurse, have him sitting up in a chair with restraints loosened on his left hand. He squirms a bit, uses the left hand to push himself into a more comfortable position, scratches his chest a bit, then tugs at his neck brace -- "No Sam, you need that to protect your neck" -- hands down and then -- "Sam, let go of the tubes, you can't take that out . . .." Then repeat. Jenn says this is a part of recovery and is really good, just a little hard to watch. There is some hope of getting the vent tubes out tomorrow which may make him more comfortable.

For those who are wondering about what specifically you can pray for, you might try for Sam to stay calm, relaxed, and rest.

-- Patton


Anonymous said...

Hi, Sam!

Wow! We are so happy to hear how much better you are getting--and how quickly! What great news!

I won't write much this time, as it's very late and I've been gathering all sorts of stuff and packing. I'm also finishing up another load of laundry and running the dishwasher. Seems I've been doing more laundry and dishes here than I do at home! There's a good case for staying at a hotel next trip, huh?

The condo is nice, though, with lots of room, a reasonably-sized kitchen, and a nice lanai. Alex gets to hook up his PlayStation and we even have cable TV here.

Today we went to the water and sports activities center, which was really cool. It's in Maalaea, the next town to the north on the way to Lahaina. We played miniature golf, which Alex just loves. Do you like miniature golf? He's pretty good at it and it's one of his favorite special activities. I was able to play one round of 18 holes, then I just couldn't go on anymore and Alex, with all his energy, went on to play another 36 holes, for a total of 54! After that, he wanted to go on the bumper boats, so I got him a ticket and he had the best time ever. The bumper boats bumped into each other and everyone had a water squirter in their controls, so everyone who came off the ride after it was over was soaking wet! Alex though it was great fun to aim his water gun at Momma every time he floated by where I was sitting and watching, and he really got me sopping wet! It was fun, though, as it was hot outside, and it helped us to cool off.

After that, we went to sit in the sun and have a snack and something to drink (have to keep drinking water and such here!) and I called Aunty Dart a couple of times and she gave me the latest news of your fantastic progress.

We're off to the airport tomorrow afternoon and will be back home around midnight, so I won't be logging in then, as I'm sure we'll be really exhausted (I already am!), but we'll be up to OHSU to visit you on Thursday!

Alex had a great time here and really loves Hawaii, but we'll be glad to be back home. Okay, at least I will. I'm pooped! Bernd will be down from Bellevue Thursda night, so he won't be here early enough to visit on Thursday, but we plan to come up when he's here, as he wants to visit you as well. :)

I'm bringing goodies for you! Keep getting better, and we'll see you very soon!

Anonymous said...

Im so happy to hear of your progress Sam. I know you are a very strong young man. Keep it up. God is with you and so many people are praying.

Steph and Cam Im praying day and night for god to give you strength to help Sam in his recovery and I know it must be so difficult seeing him pulling on the tubes but hes strong and is coming back to us.

To the family! You are AMAZING. Its awesome to see you there for all 3 of them. I know thats what families do but sometimes it isn't always like that. God Bless

Heather James and Gracie too