Thursday, August 21, 2008

Clearing Skies, Thursday Morning Update (8.21.08)

The forecast for clearing skies and warmer temperatures couldn't be more appreciated. While each new day renews our faith and hope for a return of 'the old Sam', the unseasonably dark, rainy and cold days casts a slight pale over the small hospital room.

Sam's first day of therapy left him quite tired. When I asked last night, he said it was a good day; and staying true to his characteristic manner of being 'a man of few words', that's all I learned about the day. Both yesterday and today he has numerous sessions of physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, activities of daily living, and more. Being a high school student, I don't know what kind of occupational therapy he receives but I know we'll learn more about all this as Stef and Cameron have the opportunity to blog. Their days are quite full as you can well imagine.

Sam slept well last night and woke about 7:15am relatively refreshed. We still get up a couple times at night but mercifully he's been able to go right back to sleep. He devoured his Grammy's special apple sauce this morning even before breakfast arrived. This morning's omelet and ham meal seemed to be hitting the spot. Cameron was by his brother's side and encouraging him on, being Sam's loyal cheerleader, as I left for work.

I'm not sure that our daily blogs will show as many momentous daily changes and improvements as the first two weeks did, but I hope you will continue this journey with Sam and his entire family. These next several weeks of rehab are critical to Sam's entire future. Your continued prayers, cheerleading, support, and posted comments keep us energized and 'connected' to the rest of the world.

With abundant gratitude, Dart (Karylinn)


Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work Sam. It is hard to imagine that you guys are in high school. Danielle and Kelsey left this morning for South High marching band camp. Summer is over for them. WCS will be all a buzz next week as teachers get ready for the first day of school. Every one I run into asks about you and I tell them you are amazing. Finish the race strong Sam. Mrs. Whitehurst and Family

Anonymous said...

hi some of us were wondering if we could come and visit sam

Anonymous said...

It's great that you are doing so well!! We all hope to see you soon!
-Kelsey Lee

Anonymous said...

Sam, you are famous! I read about your accident in the paper and have been thinking of you and praying for you ever since. What a blessing to see you mom and bro at Winco this afternoon. So glad to get the blog address and catch up on your life up there. Sounds like you are working really hard (not surprised). Ben says 'hi'. He's finally getting taller, but not as tall as you! You stay strong with God's strength in you!
Love ya

cherrie cornish said...

Hi Sam,
I'm praising God for what He is doing in your life! This is an amazing race you've been asked to run, and I can't wait to see all the ways God is going to use this season in your life to minister to others.

Svetlana said...

HI, We are glad to hear, that he is getting better. It was nice to meet you, we are still at DCH, Anna should be going home on Monday if labs will be good, but as far as i see her labs right now,they still dropping :-(
You can check Anna's blog:
Talk to you latter
Anna and Sveta