Saturday, August 23, 2008

Saturday is Pizza day!

If it isn't, then it should be. I heard a rumor that Sam wanted pepperoni pizza for dinner. It took a little longer than anticipated for me find HotLips Pizza over near the Concordia campus and make it to the hospital, Dinner was underway, but the half eaten hamburger was soon cast aside.

In other breaking news, yesterday Grammy and Papa took Sam to the children's garden. For now, long trips like that require a wheelchair. Sam can walk, but is still wobbly and tires easily. On the way back, Papa asked Sam if he wanted to drive the chair himself. That was definitely a hit! Apparently it is good to be in charge. Physical therapy has been good, (medicine balls are really medicine?) but getting to drive the chair is better. Rumor has it that they took the long way back, exploring every hall available, and in the description of the trip, I'm pretty sure I heard the word "zipping."

After dinner I read him some of the blog comments. Sam's attention span is still pretty short (I'm sure it has nothing to do with the uncle being boring) but he did seem interested in the comments reporting on what is going on in the world and with friends. I'm not sure I'd try a long recital of everything that has happened in the last three weeks, but a few short "news items" from friends might be good.

As always, prayers, sleep, time and whatever else it takes to heal a brain (sorry Sam, I think that means physical therapy) are what Sam really needs.

-- Patton

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sam We are so proud of you for being so strong. I cant wait to see you. Pizza sounds really good too. Sounds like your really being taken care of by Hello to steph and Cam we love you guys too. Always praying for the whole family and thank you so much for the updates. We appreciate it...

Heather James and Gracie too