Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Sam's update; Tuesday 8/5 at 1:20am

This is Aunt Dart just back from the hospital. Family and family friends know me as Dart; the rest of my universe knows me as Karylin and as Patton's wife.

I'm just back from the hospital and it's about 1am on Tuesday. Patton did a really good job of describing the accident and his recollection has been completely consistent over time. How much more he will remember and when, according to the medical experts, is unknown.


1. We all know Sam does not like any fuss to be made over him and he doesn't like to be the center of attention. We'll, too bad. He is the center of the universe in his OHSU room! We're told he won't remember any of these first days so hopefully he won't feel embarrassed by all this 'fuss'.

2. Yes, we have his phone and his iPod. For those of you who were likely trying to reach him by text and phone, the battery was dead by the time I got it in my possession at the hospital and I had no way to charge it. Cameron has it now and will recharge it. BUT, we cannot use cell phones in the ICU unit where Sam is, so please continue to look to this blog to communicate with Sam.

3. He still doesn't like to have his ears cleaned by anyone! I remember that from when he was a baby. It seems to make him grumpy.

4. Everyone at the hospital agrees that he's a handsome young man!

5. The nurses have asked that people try to not call the ICU unit to check on Sam as it takes them away from tending to him. We are working on a system to have one or two family members as the primary contact for information. For now, look to this blog.

6. Sam totally loved the Flugtag on Saturday and decided his favorite 'flying craft' was either the Big Wheels or Space Balls; both of which took awards. He and Uncle Patton decided the we'd enter the competition when it comes back around in 2012.

Sam's family, including Aunt Sue & Uncle Bill; Aunt Stacy and Uncle Brad; Grammy & Papa;cousin Amanda; Grandma Cody; Aunt Sheri; and cousin Jennifer (My apologies if I missed anyone) have held vigil throughout the last 36 some hours. We are a STRONG family and highly "self managed" - those of you who know any of us will know what that means. Bottom-line, we do what needs to be done to get through tough times.

Anyway, after everyone left for some rest late Sunday night (Sam's first night in the hospitale), I spent the night with Sam in his room. He was resting and comfortable.

He squeezed my hand on command - OUCH - I was immediately reminded just how strong he is. He opened his eyes when instructed, and moved his legs and feet. I talked to him on and off throughout the night and when I'd mention some special family event or a memory of something we'd done, like the Lion just feet front him looking straight in Sam's eyes in Africa last month, his eyes seemed to flicker under his eyelids.

He knows that we're there; he can hear us. He knows that he's being held up in prayer and that he's got the best medical team possible. He knows that you are all thinking, praying and being with him in your thoughts.

Stephanie and Cameron are with him now and will stay with him throughout the night, Monday night into Tuesday morning. They are both hanging in there and are also touched beyond words at the love and prayers they can feel surrounding them.

As Uncle Patton said, please post your comments as we told Sam we will be reading them to him. We'll try to print and post them in his room. Feel free to send cards to; but hold off on sending flowers until we know if he can even have them in ICU.

Please understand that we all have a long road ahead and there will be many opportunities for everyone to show their love and concern.

This post, I'm certain, is a bit disjointed. My apologies. I wanted to post something before I went to bed for a few hours but I'm quite tired and my thoughts are all over the map. Please know that we are optimistic and hopeful for a great outcome.

We will add more to the blog on Tuesday.

Thanking you all for your love & prayers,
Aunt Dart aka Karylinn


Anonymous said...

Wow. This is exactly what my cousin is dealing with. He was returning home on Saturday April 26th when it seems he swerved to miss a deer and went off a residential road and was in a coma and then slowly drawn out of it.

We have been praying and God has really blessed our whole extended family with peace and comfort to all of us.

When he woke up, he continued to make amazing progress but it was verry sloooow or at least to us it seemed that. What a joy to know Jesus through these trying times. I just had to comment and send love to you, my brothers and sisters in Christ since we've been going through like the same thing! May He be your comfort and strength!!!

Anonymous said...

Stephanie, Cameron and especially Sam - We are praying for you and asking the Lord to just give you strength and peace throughout all of this knowing that He is in control.

Steph, I'm here for you in whatever capacity you need or want me....even if its just to come get you out of the hospital for an hour and just sit in the sun (or a quick bite of our favorite Mexican food!)

We love you!
The Carpenters - Art, Tami and Alyx
(I'm sure Max is praying from China!)

Anonymous said...

Sam, Steph & Cameron - My family and I are keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers!! Steph, if you need a shoulder, you can always count on me.

kyleeANDautumn said...


you are so strong and we know you'll pull through!!

besides, you are the "S" in SNAK Productions!!!!

we love you!!

-kylee and autumn