Thursday, August 7, 2008

Thursday morning update 8.7.08 from Aunt Dart

Well, Cameron and I just finished the 'night shift' and hopefully Cam is fast asleep already. Since Steph & Cam are staying at the Ronald McDonald house right next to OHSU, they have been able to get quickly between Sam's bedside and their own beds and showers.

We had quite a scare last night when they had to do emergency surgery on Sam. But, we prayed and meditated while the doctors and nurses worked on Sam. By the time the 'day' and 'evening' family shifts went home around midnight, Sam was resting comfortably and the crisis was adverted.

We found that we had to remind ourselves that the doctors had said it would likely get worse before it got better. Cameron and I were just talking that maybe we inadvertantly made the shift in Sam's condition so much harder on ourselves because he had been doing so well and we kind of forgot the prediction of the doctors.

From 14 years work in disaster response and crisis counseling, I know all that intellectually... But, it's just so different when it's our own loved ones.

As far as how we're all getting along: It's working out that Stephanie is arriving in the morning before 6:30am as that is when the nurings and medical staff shift change happens and the doctors make their rounds. Grammy, Papa, Sue, Stacy, Brad, Patton & Amanda (and others in different configurations) come as soon as they can in the afternoon and evening and stay as late as they can. Stephanie heads for bed in the mid to late evening and that's when Cameron & I settle in for the quiet of the 'night shift'. Then, when Cameron collects his mom from the RM house in the morning, he and I head our separate ways to climb in our beds. And, then we do it again. It seems to be working out well as it allows everyone time with Sam, time to be together, and time to sleep.

Speaking of sleep, I'm signing off. I know more will be posted later today.
Thank you for your continued posts, prayers and positive energy!
Aunt Dart (Karylinn)


Anonymous said...

Hey Sam!!!! I'm glad your doing well! But,I hope you get a lot better. just remember, God is in control, and a lot of people are praying for you, including me! So I hope to see you healthy and strong soon!

Anonymous said...

We are praying for Sam, for all of you. God is in control, lean on him.
All of your co-workers are sending their love Steph. Be stong, we will keep you all in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

Cam, Sam, Steph, sending our prayers for you letting you know you are in our hearts everyday and every minute. Dan is having a really hard time with this cause Sam was his little tv buddy when he was little remember? he asks me constantly if there is any new updates. We love all of you and if there is anything at home you need done please call.Dan,Marilyn and family

Anonymous said...

How thankful we all are that the nurse caught the problem quickly and all was successful in the surgery. We continue to prayer and think of you all day long.

You are a very special family and we know God is there in the midst of you! God bless you all Ann Wunsch

Anonymous said...

Sam and Family, we are lifting you up in prayer on a daily bases. We are praying for a full recovery, knowledge for the doctors and OHSU staff, and peace for you and your mom and brother, Just know that God is in control of this and He is with you every minute of the day. The Whitehurst Family