Sunday, August 10, 2008

God bless you all and Sam update!

Hi to all our friends God bless you and thank you.  Your prayers and words of support and encouragement have meant so much to everyone holding down the fort here at OHSU.  God's presence and love you can be felt when entering Sam's room.  Many times I have gone into it with a heavy heart, I have started praying, and feel His presence and your prayers surrounding me.  Sam is a wonderful young man and son of God and I know he is being cradled in God's arms as he heals.  
A quick update:  Sam's ICPs have been between 8 and 11 tonight, even as low as 5 and 6.  They have only gone up when he has been moved or fussed with like having his teeth brushed or when the nurses wax put on his braces this afternoon (thank you Amanda).  A CT this morning showed that the swelling has gone down, the brain contusion is smaller, and the spaces that should be open or have fluid in them do.  His neurosurgeon told me this was a good CT and feels we are past the crisis.  Now we need to continue getting the swelling down, wean Sam off of the respirator and IV meds, out of ICU and into a ward, and further down the road rehab. 
Many of you that know me know that I'm quite the planner, probably from all those years in the military.   I like to have everything just right so the project runs smoothly, either a vacation and even Sam's potential rehab.  It has taken this tragedy for me to see that I truly have to take things one day at a time, that I cannot plan or predict the future, and that I have no control over so many things in life.  Yes, I admit I was even planning in my head his rehab and we don't even know what he will need, but I was already figuring out who, what, etc.  Only God knows what is in store for our precious son and as for me I will have to start each day with the simple joy and happiness I feel to see Sam alive and peaceful even with all tubes, IV lines, and machinery.  
Thank you all for your words of love, support, encouragement, and even wisdom.  Without God's love and your prayers, well life would be so empty and right now I am filled with love and peace.


Anonymous said...

Just wanted you to know I am here for you. I continue to pray for Sam's complete recovery.

Becky said...


God is good and gracious and taking care of Sam and all of you. We are praying for Sam's recovery and for you and your family. God bless.


Anonymous said...

Hi Stephanie,

It's great to see a post from you. I was already wondering how you are holding up to all of this. I know this got to be tough, but you seem to have the right spirit to deal with this very difficult situation.

I woke up early this monring, probably due to the time change since I came back, and had a flash deja vue kind of thing, thinking and feeling I was sleeping on a hospital extra bed. This hasn't really happened to me in quite a long time and it took quite a bit for me to realize that I was actually at home. I am not sure how you take all of this, but you (and Cameron) sound strong. I am glad to hear that someone has been taken you out to do something different. You porbably wouldn't do it all by yourself, so someone else has to drag you out to the world and give you a much needed break. It has happened to me, and although I always thought it was kind of a ridiculous idea, it does actually help, recharge your batteries and gives you the strength to go through another day.

I read progress in the past few blogs. I'll be in Vancouver this weekend and I hope we can see you and take you out for a few hours.

Keep on planning, it's a good thing to do

Anonymous said...

Hi Stephanie, Sam & Cameron
just want you to know we are here for you if you need, the house needs anything. We are praying for you all and look forward to seeing Sam out and around. Your update really does hit home, we all don't take enough time to think about the simple things in life and how easy it is to plan and be optimistic and that is a very good thing. On the other hand we have to remember that God is working in your life and others around you and good things will come of this. Keep fighting Sam
Joe Mavis Karly & Meghan Peterson

Anonymous said...

So good to hear from you! I check the blog twice a day and say a prayer for all of you. Sounds like you all are in good hands. We know you are in God's hands...
Janell Schomus