Tuesday, September 30, 2008

He is HOME!!!

Okay so first off I would like to apologize that there have been very few blog entries in the past weeks and I know that alot of you diligent readers really need this to see how Sam is. Me personally I would have called myself up and been like,"HEY HOWS SAM?", but all of you have been very courteous and not done so, so thank s again.

Well Sam has been home for only a couple weeks and he is really loving sleeping in his own bed and being home. Last week he had is evaluations with his speech therapist, his physical therapist, and occupational therapist. The point of these meetings were to see where Sam currently is on the road to recovery and where the individual therapists can help Sam work to get him as close to being back to the way he was. One of the main concerns, that I know I had, was that Sam sometimes does some things out of order. But that being one of the only concerns is a good thing.

He also got a chance to go to youth group and Wednesday and really enjoyed being able to see his friends that he hadn't seen in a while, and although he had alot of fun he still gets really tired really easily and after we got home it was time for him to crash.

Some of his habits have changed like he takes 1 to 2 hour naps every so often just cause he feels the need and honestly if I could take naps "anytime" I would definitely take them as often as I could. So, more power to him...He has recently expressed the want to go to Sprague High School's Football games (Sprague is where he will be starting highschool once this is alllll over), and without much stuborness I decided that I would like to go to the games with him, even though I went to South (a way better high school). Sorry to all you Olympians, old habits die hard. HAHA. Hopefully we will be able to go to the game this Friday and I know that if there is anyway that we can Sam will see to it that is happens.

Well, I need to get ready for class and mom and Sam may be going to a movie so...I will talk to all of you later.

Keep Praying ----> There is a long road of recovery a head and we need all the support possible.

In God We Trust
Cameron Huntting

Cameron Huntting (chunttin@uoregon.edu)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go Saxons!!!