Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Today started out a good day. After last nights news, we also learned that Sam was "overbreathing" his respirator. This means that the machine was set to give him 12 breaths a minute but he was taking more breaths than that. Today he was regulating his own breathing entirely and the respirator was just helping him take full breaths. There was talk of weening him off of it.

This afternoon, less than an hour before the time of this post, one of the nurses checked his eyes and discovered his right pupil dilated. This means movement / swelling in his left brain. Sam was taken for an immediate cat scan and as I write is going down for surgery. The initial report is that this incident has been caught very early. None the less, those who have been sending prayers, thank you and please continue. Those who have not yet, now is a good time to start.

Another post this evening when we know more.

-- Patton

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Sam! My whole family has been diligently praying for you. I hope you get well soon. I'm looking forward to seeing a full recovery!

Tyler Howell