Saturday, August 16, 2008

Quick Update Saturday 16

Hey everyone, sorry that it has been a while since our last update but alot has gone on recently. Sam, as of now, has been moved out of the ICU at OHSU and moved into the pediatric ward at Doernbecher's Children's Hospital. He will stay there for a couple of days until some doctors from Emmanuel Legacy come over to evaluate Sam for their pediatric rehabilitation program/ward over there. After he is evaluated he should be moved over to Emmanuel to start his rehabilitation. At that point me and my mom would move to the Ronald McDonald house over there.

Thank you everyone so much for the support and prayers that you have given my family and I. This is really a great example of how it has worked and this has definitely shown my family and I the power of prayer and of the christian faith and body.

By the way this is Cameron. I will be home this weekend for the weekend so if you have anything that you want me to give to Sam, I can. I know that you are all anxious to see him but as of now I have not talked to my mom about having people come and visit Sam. But I am pretty sure that we want to wait until we have a date that we are switching hospitals and/or he continues to make a steady recovery but as always I or any other member of this blog will let you know on what we are thinking that would be the best for Sam.

As always thank you so much

In God We Trust>>>Cameron Huntting
Cameron Huntting (

1 comment:

lynn g said...

We all were saddened by this accident and your departure from the group in China. But we also heard that you got home quickly and we were so elated by that news. I bet Sam knew you were there with him even if he didn't say so. We prayed for all of you and have continued to do so. Our prayers are yours.

Lynn Goeke