Thursday, November 6, 2008

It's a matter of perspective...

Good morning all. I wrote this last week but did not get it sent. So bear with me this actually occurred October 24th, but I still want/need to share the message.
Last night Cameron and Sam were driving home from seeing a movie. As Cameron approached the stoplight at a busy intersection the light was red and he started to slow down, but it then turned green so as any driver would do he sped back up to the speed limit. Another car heading the opposite direction, north I believe, was stopped at the stoplight, waiting for the green light and apparently to turn left. Yes, the obvious happened the light turned green, he accelerated, and then he turned left just in front of Cameron apparently not seeing our approaching car going 35 mph. Cameron had to slam on the brakes just to slow down not even to stop, at the same time the other driver apparently saw our car and sped up just in time to keep from getting hit.

Now this played out okay, kind of. The cars did not crash and everyone was okay. Kind of.
This is where the perspective comes into play. The average driver would have yelled, maybe even cursed at the car turning left in front of them and then gone about their business. But as we know my car didn't hold the average driver and passenger. Inside were two brothers, young men who have seen and lived how short and precious life is and how quickly it can change. Both boys got home shaking and scared at what "almost" happened. Sam's quickly evolved into a major headache and pain.

Cameron kept saying he was okay, but he wasn't. They visualized an accident that could have happened and it was frightening.

All of us have gone through and know what does happen when driver's are not paying attention and make bad choices. Please remind those we know that drive that it is a great responsibility and not a privilege to be taken lightly. I know God was again watching out for my precious sons and I thank Him for that.



P Echols said...

Oh, dear heavenly days!

For what it's worth Sam, Cameron, I'm still there too. Driving the short distance to work or down the freeway to see Aunt Dart in the hospital, I still cringe just a bit every time I see someone do an aggressive lane change. Then I think about it and realize that not too long ago I would not have thought of it as particularly aggressive at all.

On the one hand I am glad that the lesson was learned so well. On the other, it's too bad you have to worry about others doing stupid things when all you wanted to do was go to the movies.

Fortunately, you are both in Gods hands as we have seen over and over.

-- Patton

Anonymous said...

I am so happy to see that Sam is getting better. Today is my son Kevin's 15th birthday, so Sam's "experience" has really hit home. Every time I read his blog it makes me know that God does answer prayers.
Our son's lives’ are so similar, yet they will probably never meet. They are both freshman in high school, same age, same wonderful smile and the oddest thing they were both at the flugtag in August on the same day. My son also wants to have a team the next time it comes around.
I just want to say one last time from one proud mother to another; your family is in my prayers. You have a wonderful, very strong young man, who God has plans for. He has gone through this “experience” for a reason. When the time comes for those plans to be realized, look out, it is going to be something. Sam will know, I am sure he will say, wow, now I see why…. Good Luck!